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About FemmeForms

BUSINESS MODEL IN PROGRESS: FemmeForms are based on an extant design patent for breast prostheses, which we’ve licensed. Our take on the design uses inexpensive materials: reclaimed thermoplastic elastomer sourced from a line of children’s toys, and an inexpensive super-absorbent-polymer-based hydrogel. These produce a likewise inexpensive yet also realistic-moving product. That said, our QA process is under development and casing quality can vary. As we’re very new at this whole “running a business” thing, we apologize for hiccups in fulfillment or quality as we do what we can to improve our assembly and QA processes.

DONATIONS: We try very hard to minimize overhead and keep profit margin low to reduce costs. That said, we welcome donations! If you feel we could charge more for the product we offer, please feel free to follow this donation link right here.

SHIPPING: Please allow 1-3 weeks for fulfillment, or longer in the event of high demand. We do our best to minimize shipping costs for our customers, in order to keep FemmeForms as inexpensive as possible. As our product is dense despite its relative size, flat rate shipping is so far the best option. For now, we store forms in plastic zipper bags before shipping them out. As including containers would negatively impact shipping prices more than it’s worth, we recommend purchasing plastic bins for storage. Forms ship with a mocked-up shipping invoice that indicate the product are stress toys rather than breast forms, in case our purchasers need some plausible deniability.

STORAGE: Keep in a plastic bin out of sunlight. Don’t store next to paper, linen, cardboard, or other absorbent materials. The casing material slowly leeches oil and will damage clothes if stored with them long-term.

MAINTENANCE: The TPE casing is highly durable! Ideally, the hydrogel is balanced in a way that discourages leakage (that is, the individual clumps of hydrogel should be too small to fit through any pinholes that form in the casing, and should have absorbed any fluid introduced during assembly. In the event of a pinhole leak, rotate the form so the leak is facing upward, then apply a small coating of silicone adhesive. In case of catastrophic rupture, SAP can be disposed of with trash, or down a drain once deactivated with a 10-15% solution of salt and water.

LIMITED REPLACEMENT POLICY: Again, the TPE casing is surprisingly resilient. We’ve had reports of pets spending awhile chewing a form, only for the form to escape unscathed. We do acknowledge our relative lack of control over casing quality, and are willing to replace defective forms that suffer significant ruptures. Replacement is determined on a case-by-case basis, given the submission of photos of aforementioned defects.

SAFETY: We use safe products to assemble FemmeForms. The TPE casing is a material frequently used in children’s toys, the sealant is food-grade, and the hydrogel is only toxic after you’ve eaten roughly 200lbs of it. That said, we still strongly recommend against feeding FemmeForms to your loved ones, pets, and/or yourself; FemmeForms represent a choking hazard.